Louis Katz

Dr. Louis Katz will be the next executive vice president for America’s Blood Centers. An advocate for the blood banking community, he brings 30 years of experience and infectious disease expertise to his new position, where he will assume the role of chief medical officer. Katz will also lead the scientific, medical, technical, quality, and regulatory efforts and represent America’s Blood Centers and its member blood centers before governmental and regulatory agencies.

Katz previously served the organization in other leadership capacities, including president, chair of the Scientific, Medical, and Technical Committee, and as a spokesperson for several years. His accomplishments and experience include serving as a member and chair of the Food and Drug Administration Blood Products Advisory Committee; a member of the AABB Transfusion Transmitted Diseases Committee and the Health and Human Services National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s XMRV Scientific Research Working Group; executive vice president of Medical Affairs at Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center; and founding the Regional Virology Center at Community Health Care Inc.