
Soft-Mount, High-Speed Washer/Extractors

Maytag Commercial Soft-Mount, High-Speed Washer/Extractors provide the right size and useful features for any on-premises launderer. Available in 25-lb, 35-lb, 55-lb, 80-lb, 100-lb, and 125-lb models, each size offers a large cleaning capacity, plus installation flexibility, according to the company.

Wooden floor installations are made possible with its soft-mount suspension system, reducing the need for machine bold-down. With 304-grade stainless steel top, front, and sides, each washer is tough enough to withstand punishing use, yet gentle enough for operating in centuries-old buildings, according to Maytag. Each unit features inverter drive systems that help decrease in wear and tear of washer components, such as the shaft, bearing, seals and belts. Its high-speed extraction of up to 350 G-force cuts drying time and energy usage. Programmable water levels provide flexible cycle options for chemical suppliers.