
Pallas Textiles introduced five new patterns of upholstery — Gene Pool, Cell Theory, H20, Flexing Muscles and Heartbeat — in its Science Matters collection, which is tested to withstand rigorous use, according to the company. Multiple colors are available under each line.
Gene Pool, Heartbeat, and Cell Theory are treated with Nano-Tex, an enhancement process designed to spills. H2O offers Greenshield, an environmentally safe high-performance nanotechnology that builds permanent spill and stain resistance into the fiber structure of the fabric, while preserving the hand of the fabric. Flexing Muscles offers silver ion antimicrobial protection, which inhibits the growth of stain — and odor — causing bacteria such as E. coli and Staph as well as other microbes. To resist abrasions, all patterns exceed 100,000 double rubs.
The Science Matters collection aims to be sustainable with Cell Theory incorporating 22 percent post consumer recycled polyester, Gene Pool with 10 percent post consumer recycled polyester and Flexing Muscles with 100 percent biodegradable polyurethane.