The HCA St. David’s North Austin Medical Center Women’s Center four-story vertical expansion project will consist of a 166,369-square-foot addition. Photo Credit: Earl Swensson Associates

Brasfield & Gorrie Taking Lead on Austin Medical Center Expansions

By HCO Staff

AUSTIN—General contractor Brasfield & Gorrie has been awarded the construction contract for an expansion of HCA St. David’s North Austin Medical Center Women’s Center. The company has also started work on a one-story vertical expansion at HCA St. David’s North Austin Medical Center. The projects are the first the general contractor has built in Austin.

“Brasfield & Gorrie is dedicated to building strong communities, and we’ve been hard at work in Texas for 30 years,” said Vice President and Division Manager Chris Wall. “We’re honored to extend our long relationship with HCA Healthcare into Austin, expanding a facility that cares for the city’s rapidly growing population.”

The Women’s Center four-story vertical expansion project will consist of a 166,369-square-foot addition, including 4 C-section operating rooms, 36 labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum rooms and 24 antepartum rooms. Following the completion of the vertical expansion, Brasfield & Gorrie will renovate 28,325 square feet of interior space, adding 30 neonatal intensive care unit beds and 32 full-term nursery beds and 4 post-partum rooms.

The North Austin Medical Center project will add 21,214 square feet and 32 medical surgery patient rooms. It will include prefabricated exterior wall panels and bathroom pods. With prefabrication, off-site work can run concurrently with activities on site. Less work is contingent on weather conditions or material delivery lead times, which is an advantage for maintaining project schedules. Minimizing the number of workers on site also increases safety.

Earl Swensson Associates is the architect on both projects. The one-story vertical expansion at HCA St. David’s North Austin Medical Center is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2022. The Women’s Center four-story vertical expansion is scheduled for completion during the fourth quarter of 2023.