Scott Kernan


Bill to Ban VA Hospital Construction Moves Forward

WASHINGTON — A bill to strip the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from managing construction projects more than $100 million cleared a legislative hurdle on July 22. The bill passed the House Veterans Affairs Subcommittee on Health on a unanimous voice vote.

The bill, HR. 3106, the Construction Reform Act of 2015, strips the VA of all construction management authority on projects more than $100 million and transfers it to non-VA federal entities, such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or the General Services Administration (GSA).

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New Orleans’ Hurricane Proof VA Hospital

NEW ORLEANS – Among the losses of Hurricane Katrina and the flooding it brought to the Gulf Coast, perhaps one of the greatest blows was the destruction of vital structures like VA medical hospital in the New Orleans area. Now the Department of Veterans Affairs is constructing a replacement, which is intended as a massive upgrade over the previous facility.

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