

Longer Patient Stays Can Reduce Costs, Study Finds

NEW YORK — New evidence shows that keeping patients in the hospital one day longer can significantly cut readmissions, save patient lives and reduce costs.

Research from a September 2014 Columbia Business School study titled, “Should Hospitals Keep Their Patients Longer? The Role of Inpatient and Outpatient Care in Reducing Readmissions,” compared the impact of a longer length of stay in the hospital to the effects of outpatient care for Medicare patients.

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Tennessee Medical Center Addresses Readmissions

JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. — One of the classic problems in medical and educational institutions is that many of the people the organizations serve have almost no other resources to get those services from. In education you see this in studies concerning summer break. Students with a lot of resources at home tend to come back to school more prepared than when they left. Conversely, students with few resources at home can actually regress, failing to even maintain the progress they made during the previous school year.

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