Fryeburg Academy


Iowa Children’s Hospital Construction on Schedule

IOWA CITY, Iowa — University of Iowa (UI) officials announced earlier this month that the $292 million UI Children’s Hospital remains on track for a late summer 2016 opening, despite challenging winter weather and a dearth of skilled laborers in the area. Word on whether or not the project will be completed under budget will become available later this month.

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$217 Million Children’s Hospital Approved in Iowa

URBANDALE, Iowa — The Board of Regents have approved a $271 million Children’s Hospital project, part of a $1.1 billion long-term facilities plan for University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.
The Children’s Hospital will be 371,600 square feet in new construction and 56,250 square feet in renovated space for a total of 427,850 square feet.
The university first presented the idea of a new Children’s Hospital and a corresponding long-term building plan to the regents in 2008 and received approval.

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