
Be it a hospital, outpatient facility, PT clinic, pharmacy or lab, the physical and emotional health of the provider has a direct impact on the quality of care delivered. Photo Credit: Ecore
Featured Articles

Healthcare Worker Wellness and the Surprising Impact of Flooring

While the COVID-19 pandemic challenged the world with two of the most difficult years in recent history, healthcare workers were on the front line of the pandemic and have experienced a completely new level of strain and demand in the workplace.

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NIHD and Ecore believe that improving seating, providing better work tools and new technology to a more ergonomically-oriented healthcare environment, facilities can improve the performance and wellness of nurses. Photo Courtesy: Ecore International

Ecore, NIHD Meeting Focuses on Improving Nurse Wellness in Healthcare Design

Members of the Nursing Institute for Healthcare Design (NIHD) recently joined at the Lancaster, Pa. headquarters of Ecore, a leading producer of flooring performance surfaces, to discuss how to improve nurse wellness within the healthcare built environment design.  

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