

Hospital Employees Brave Hurricane Isaac

TULANE, La. — Though the public is always encouraged to stay off the streets during extreme weather events, many invariably don’t, and some end up needing to brave dangerous weather because of more pressing concerns, like severe injury or sickness. This necessity means another group of people doesn’t have the option to stay inside and keep dry, those who staff the hospitals people rely on in their time of need.

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New Hospitals Rise in Post-Katrina New Orleans

NEW ORLEANS — Among the losses of Hurricane Katrina and the flooding it brought to the Gulf Coast, perhaps one of the greatest blows was the destruction of vital structures like a VA medical hospital in New Orleans, La. Now the Department of Veterans Affairs is constructing a replacement, which is intended to provide a massive upgrade over the previous facility. Major hurricanes have been known to devastate local medical services, leaving them crippled for years in some cases.

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