Colorado State University


New Neuro ICU Provides State-of-the-Art Services

DALLAS — Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas opened a new state-of-the-art Neuro ICU, which will replace the old and outdated facility. The previous Neuro ICU provided great care to the patients, but was not the greatest healing environment. The ICU was very congested with equipment, doctors, nurses, other medical professionals and loved ones, said Christiana Hall, MD, medical director, Neuroscience ICU at Parkland and associate professor of Neurology, Neurotherapeutics and Neurosurgery at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in a statement.

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Iowa Children’s Hospital Construction on Schedule

IOWA CITY, Iowa — University of Iowa (UI) officials announced earlier this month that the $292 million UI Children’s Hospital remains on track for a late summer 2016 opening, despite challenging winter weather and a dearth of skilled laborers in the area. Word on whether or not the project will be completed under budget will become available later this month.

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Lara Maria Diaz

KMD Architects, a San Francisco-based architectural firm providing exceptional healthcare, hospitality, justice, academic, commercial and corporate architectural services, has promoted Lari Maria Diaz, AIA, LEED AP, EDAC, from Director to Principal. Maria Diaz, who joined KMD in 1992, has extensive experience developing functional and space programs and implementing them in complex building and campus environments.

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Featured Articles

Finding Common Ground With BIM

It is a generally accepted principal that the building industry has traditionally been slow to embrace change and new technologies. The Great Recession, which started in 2007, has been a major factor in changing this and has provided significant impetus to do things better, faster and cheaper, through any means available.

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